A.       Library Mission

B.       Library Hours

C.       Rules of Conduct for Library Users

D.       Public Relations

E.       Patron Suggestions

F.       Volunteers

G.      Youth Safety and Supervision

H.       Information for Parents and Guardians

I.        Interlibrary and Interagency Cooperation

J.       Circulation

K.       Confidentiality of Library User Records

L.       Collection Management - Request for Reconsideration of Materials

M.      Surplus Books and Similar Materials

N.       Donations

O.      Programming

P.       Bulletin Board - Display and Distribution of Literature

Q.      Exhibits and Displays - Request for Reconsideration of Exhibits or Displays

R.       Internet and Other Technology

S.       Use of Library Equipment - Projector

T.       Use of Library Meeting Room

U.       Adoption of American Library Association (ALA) Policies

V.       Adherence to City Rules and Regulations

W.      Finances

X.       Strategic Plan (WCCLS and North Plains Public Library)








Drafted 07/16/2014

Revised by Library Staff 08/07/2014

Approved by Library Board 09/10/2014, 07/15/2015, 08/17/2016



To connect people with information, resources, and experiences for personal enrichment and enjoyment and to engage and strengthen the community.



Former Library Mission Statement:

The mission of the North Plains Public Library is to provide materials and services to help community residents to meet their informational, educational, and recreational needs.



Emphasis is placed on obtaining current, popular materials in various formats, stimulating children's interests in reading and learning, and supporting students.


Because a democracy is maintained by an informed citizenry, the City of North Plains promotes lifelong use of its library as a resource for daily living and decision-making.



All Library staff will provide reference and reader advisory services to the public and will work in cooperation with the City of North Plains, the Friends of the Library, the Washington County Cooperative Library Services (WCCLS) and other organizations and agencies to provide experiences for the public and to foster a positive sense of community in North Plains.







Drafted 07/16/2014

Revised by Library Staff 08/07/2014, 07/02/2015, 08/04/2016

Approved by Library Board 09/10/2014, 07/15/2015, 08/17/2016



The North Plains Public Library adheres to the “enhanced” level of Standards for Oregon Public Libraries for open hours based on service area population.



Quantitative standards for total hours the library is open to the public in a week are divided into three categories and are based on service area population served.



The Library will be open Monday through Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Thursday and Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.


The library will be closed these holidays:

New Year's Day (January 1)

Martin Luther King Day (3rd Monday in January)

President's Day (3rd Monday in February)

Memorial Day (Last Monday in May)

Independence Day (July 4)

Labor Day (1st Monday in September)

Veteran's Day (November 11)

Thanksgiving Day (4th Thursday)

Christmas Day (December 25)


When a holiday falls on a Sunday, it will be observed on the Monday following.


On Thanksgiving Eve, the library will close at 5 p.m.

On Christmas Eve, the library will close at 2 p.m.

On New Year’s Eve, when it falls on a Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday, the library will close at 5 p.m.


The library front door will be open weekdays from 8 to 10 a.m. for public access to the collection, newspapers and magazines, and items on hold, and for self-service use of the SelfCheck machine and the photocopier.







Drafted 07/16/2014

Revised by Library Staff 08/07/2014

Approved by Library Board 09/10/2014, 07/15/2015, 08/17/2016



The North Plains Public Library is committed to providing an atmosphere where people of all ages may come to read, browse, do research, or study in safe, clean surroundings.



This policy has been established for all patrons.  If a patron is not responsive to the needs of other library users or disregards the policies protecting patrons, staff, and library property, the patron will be asked to leave the library.



Please respect the right of everyone in the library to enjoy a pleasant environment.


While in the library, PLEASE DO:

·                 Abide by all library procedures and comply with requests of library staff.

·                 Obey all applicable federal, state, and local laws.

·                 Report immediately any behavior that is disruptive, threatening, abusive, bothersome, or questionable in any way.

·                 Ask for help when you need it.

·                 Treat others with dignity and respect.

·                 Turn off or silence any audible devices or equipment before entering the library (cellular phones, pagers, radios, toys, etc.).

·                 Respect other users' privacy.

·                 Park bicycles, skateboards, roller blades, etc. outside, away from entrance.

·                 Wear footwear and shirts.

·                 Remain on the premises to supervise children aged 7 and younger.

·                 Adhere to the Internet Access and Computer Use Procedure

·                 Check out your library materials before leaving.



·                 Smoke inside the library, near the front door, or by the bicycle rack.

·                 Eat or drink while using the Library’s computers/electronic devices or while in the computer room.

·                 Eat in the main library area.  (Lidded drinks are allowed while patrons are seated at tables in the main library.)

·                 Bring pets into the library unless they are service animals.

·                 Talk on cell phones in the library computer room.

·                 Remain on the premises after the posted library hours.

·                 Enter areas posted for use by library staff only.

·                 Run, engage in loud, boisterous behavior, or create a public disturbance.

·                 Disobey the reasonable direction of a library staff member.

·                 Bring into the building large bags or bundles that create an obstacle or take up seating.

·                 Disturb others because of poor personal hygiene.

·                 Use the restrooms to bathe, shave, wash hair, etc.

·                 Place feet on furniture.

·                 Sleep, loiter, or camp on library premises.

·                 Panhandle or solicit for sales or charity.

·                 Conduct surveys, gather signatures for petitions, or distribute materials within the library.

·                 Bring firearms or large knives inside the library.  (CHL holders are exempt.)



Any illegal activity will be immediately reported to the North Plains Police Department.

·                 Harass patrons or staff.

·                 Damage or deface library property.

·                 Possess, sell, distribute, consume, or be under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances.

·                 Engage in sexual conduct.

·                 Violate any Federal or State statute or local ordinance.







Drafted 08/13/2014

Revised by Library Staff 01/08/2015

Approved by Library Board 01/21/2015, 07/15/2015, 08/17/2016



The North Plains Public Library will prepare and distribute informational materials to its patrons and the general public regarding the services and programs provided.



For patrons to be supportive of the North Plains Public Library, they must be knowledgeable about the Library’s aim and purpose and activities.  Public relations efforts must promote effective partnerships and highlight the various benefits provided by the Library.



As taxpayers who fund Library operations, the public has a right to know what is occurring in the Library, and Library staff members have an obligation to see that the public is systematically and adequately informed.


Programs, services, and policies will be regularly featured on printed materials (e.g. posters, bookmarks, banners), in press releases and newsletters, and on websites, online calendars, and social media.  Themed displays will be created.  Bulletin boards in the Library and elsewhere in the community will be utilized as appropriate.







Drafted 08/13/2014

Revised by Library Staff 01/08/2015

Approved by Library Board 01/21/2015, 07/15/2015, 08/17/2016



The North Plains Public Library strives to meet the needs of its patrons.  The Library welcomes all suggestions and encourages patrons and other community members to submit comments about how Library staff members and volunteers might improve patron experiences in the library, in using library resources, or in attending programs.



Suggestions and feedback from library users are among the most important resources in determining what materials, services, and programs to offer in libraries.



The Library Director, Volunteer Coordinator, and Youth Librarian review comments from the website and from the Suggestion Box and determine what action to take.







Drafted 11/22/2014

Revised by Staff 12/04/2014

Approved by Library Board 12/10/2014, 07/15/2015, 08/17/2016



The North Plains Public Library Volunteer Program seeks to provide, maintain, and enhance library services for its citizens.  Volunteers are viewed as a valuable resource for this library and its staff.  Volunteers shall be extended the right to be given meaningful assignments, the right to effective supervision, and the right to recognition for work done.  In return, volunteers shall agree to actively perform their duties to the best of their abilities and to remain loyal to the goals and procedures of the library.



A library volunteer is anyone who, without monetary compensation, performs a task on behalf of the library and under the direction of a library employee.  The library volunteer program fosters advocacy for the library in the community by increasing community involvement and awareness.


The program attempts to involve as diverse a range of the community as possible in order to more accurately reflect the service population of the library.  Volunteers may be utilized in most of the library’s activities and serve at all levels of skill.  The program helps to extend and enhance the work provided by paid staff but in no way replaces it.



All potential volunteers are first required to fill out the Library Volunteer Application.  Persons aged 14 and older are eligible to apply.  It is a requirement of the city that all volunteers aged 18 and older be fingerprinted and pass a police background check.  Once officially accepted into the program, all volunteers are given an orientation by the library Volunteer Coordinator prior to performance of any task.


Volunteer service may be terminated at any time by either the volunteer or the Volunteer Coordinator.







Drafted 08/26/2014

Revised by Library Staff 09/25/2014

Approved by Library Board 10/21/2014, 07/15/2015, 08/17/2016



Young people of all ages are welcome in the library.  Children aged seven and younger must, at all times, be attended and adequately supervised by a responsible adult or adolescent while using the library or its computers and while attending programs.



Children left unattended are vulnerable in public settings.  They may become frightened or anxious or restless.  They have the potential to disturb others if they misbehave.



Parents and guardians are responsible for ensuring that children act in accordance with the library rules; that their behavior does not present a safety hazard to themselves, other users, or library property; and that their behavior does not interfere with the use of the library by others.


Library staff members attempt to ensure the safety of children in the library, but their duties as providers of library services prevent them from being able to supervise each individual child.  When children are using the library, it is the responsibility of parents or guardians, not that of the library staff, to supervise their children.


It is suggested that parents and guardians introduce children to library staff and assure them that if they were ever to become lost or frightened, staff members are there to help.  Children should know that if they ever feel uneasy or uncomfortable with another person in the building, they should tell a staff member immediately.


During programs either at the library or at the Jessie Mays Community Hall, persons responsible for the activity and behavior of children aged seven and younger shall remain in the activity area with the children.  If the person in charge of the children at that time cannot be located, the children will be referred to the North Plains Police Department.


Parents and guardians should be familiar with the library hours of operation and should not leave children at the library before opening or after closing.


Staff are responsible for dealing with unacceptable behavior.  Violations of policies and rules may result in expulsion from library premises.







Drafted 08/26/2014

Revised by Library Staff 09/25/2014

Approved by Library Board 10/21/2014, 07/15/2015, 08/17/2016



A child of any age may obtain a library card with proper identification.  Unless restricted by parents or guardians, children have access to and may check out any materials in the North Plains Public Library or from the public libraries in Washington County.  They also have access to a wide range of databases and other Internet resources.



Obtaining a library card represents an important step in a child's educational experience, as well as a major step in learning responsibility.  It facilitates participation in the summer reading program.



Library materials can be expensive and charges will be made for lost or damaged items.  Parents and guardians should show children how to treat library materials with care.


It is both the right and responsibility of parents and guardians to guide their children in making reading and viewing choices since public libraries contain information and materials representing a broad spectrum of values and ideas, as well as a wide variety of interests and abilities.  The library staff does not act in the place of parents; it is up to each family to set guidelines for use of library materials.  Upon request, a parent or guardian may place a restriction of access on their child’s card to G, PG, PG-13, or R rated movies.


Access to the Internet is open to all.  The library provides Internet filtering in the library; however, it is a parent's or guardian's responsibility to ultimately provide guidance in the use of the Internet.  To assist, the site features advice and tools on topics such as sharing apps and services (such as Instagram and Snapchat), cyberbullying, safe searching with Google and YouTube, Facebook privacy, etc.


The library protects the privacy of its cardholders.  Information about materials borrowed cannot be given out to anyone other than the cardholder, except in the following circumstances:


If parents or guardians wish to pick up materials that are on hold for a child or seek information about what is checked out on a child’s library card, they must either have the child's card with them, know the child’s card number, or have their cards “associated” according to WCCLS procedures.  If materials become overdue, thus incurring fines and/or fees for the parents or guardians of children under 18 years of age, then library staff may divulge the amount due and the specific items checked out.


The library provides a welcoming environment and resources, including staff and volunteer assistance, to assist students in their homework and research activities.







Drafted 08/13/2014

Revised by Library Staff 01/08/2015, 08/04/2016

Approved by Library Board 01/21/2015, 07/15/2015, 08/17/2016



The North Plains Public Library subscribes to the mission statement of the Washington County Cooperative Library Services (WCCLS):  The libraries in Washington County work together in a spirit of cooperation that extends beyond local boundaries in order to provide excellent countywide library services to all residents.



WCCLS has been in existence since 1976.  It currently consists of 16 public libraries and 2 special libraries.  The North Plains Public Library joined WCCLS in 2007.



Washington County and the City of North Plains enter two contractual agreements at the beginning of each levy cycle.  The current contract period for the Public Library Services Agreement and for the WCCLS Information Network Agreement extends from fiscal year 2016-2017 through fiscal year 2020-2021.







Drafted 07/16/2014

Revised by Library Staff 08/07/2014

Approved by Library Board 09/10/2014, 07/15/2015, 08/17/2016



The North Plains Public Library follows policies and procedures developed by the Washington County Cooperative Library Services (WCCLS) for circulation of library materials.



To facilitate circulation of materials within the cooperative system, member libraries employ consistent, service-oriented procedures that encourage responsible library use and ensure equitable access to library resources.



Fines and Fees

The North Plains Public Library does charge fines for items in its collection that become overdue.  Materials borrowed from other WCCLS member libraries are also subject to overdue fines.  Payments are accepted at the North Plains Public Library for all libraries’ fines and for all libraries’ fees for lost materials.  Borrowing privileges are suspended on accounts with $10.00 or more outstanding in fines and fees.  Accounts with charges of $50.00 or more are referred to a collection agency.  A parent or guardian is financially responsible for all charges on a minor child's library card.


Cultural Passes accrue overdue fines at the rate of $10.00 per day, and interlibrary loans from outside WCCLS are subject to charges from the owning libraries.


North Plains Public Library staff, volunteers, Library Board members, and Friends of the Library members must pay overdue fines like all other borrowers.


Return Drop Box

Most WCCLS materials may be returned to the North Plains Public Library (inside the building or in the drop box located adjacent to the rear parking lot) or to any other WCCLS branch library.  Notable exceptions to this are Cultural Passes, Nook and Kindle e-readers, Discovery Kits, and Kill-a-Watt electric usage monitors, which must be returned to the library from which they were checked out.


Lost Cards

A valid WCCLS library card is required for checking out materials or using wireless access for personal laptop computers.  In accepting a library card, the cardholder assumes responsibility for any item that anyone checks out on this card and for payment of any charges thus incurred in accordance with check-out policies.  Loss, theft, or possible unauthorized use of the card must be reported to the library immediately.  The cardholder is responsible for all items checked out prior to notifying the library of loss, theft, or possible unauthorized use of the card.







Drafted 07/16/2014

Revised by Library Staff 08/07/2014

Approved by Library Board 09/10/2014, 07/15/2015, 08/17/2016



Library user registration records and library user reading/viewing records will be kept confidential by North Plains Public Library staff and volunteers.



The freedom to read and freedom of access to ideas and information can exist only where access to materials is available with the maximum protection of privacy for the individual.  These freedoms are implicit in the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States.



Neither staff members nor volunteers of the North Plains Public Library shall divulge information about patron records.


Neither staff members nor volunteers of the North Plains Public Library shall divulge information that identifies patrons with library materials borrowed.


Requests for information about patron and/or circulation records received by court order or by a law enforcement agency shall be referred to WCCLS.


At the point when items become overdue, records pertaining to those items will become open to the person financially responsible for payment of money owed.








Drafted 10/12/2014

Revised by Library Staff 11/06/2014, 08/04/2016

Approved by Library Board 12/10/2014, 07/15/2015, 08/17/2016



The North Plains Public Library obtains, organizes, and makes available recreational and informational materials in print and non-print formats.  The focus of the collection is popular fiction and non-fiction items for adults, young adults, and children.  The Library will meet and maintain a materials count minimum of 15,000 items and will strive to meet and exceed three items per capita based on the current service area population.



Materials are selected to meet the needs of the entire community, including consideration of the needs of individuals with visual, physical, mental, and learning disabilities.  No material is excluded because of the race, nationality, religion, gender, sexual orientation, political or social view of either the author or of the material.  Selection of materials by the library does not mean endorsement by the library or the city of the contents or the view expressed in those materials.


Membership in WCCLS allows public access to materials and resources beyond the financial and physical means of the North Plains Public Library.  Electronic and other methods of information access and interlibrary loans outside the WCCLS system are also valid and necessary ways to meet patron needs.



1.       Materials

a.       Responsibility for Selection

Collection development and the overall selection of materials is the responsibility of the Library Director.  Qualified staff members are assigned to read reviews and other sources of purchasing information, to monitor collection usage, and to make selections.  In addition, all library staff members, volunteers, and members of the general public are encouraged to submit suggestions for possible purchases.  A suggestion box is available in the library, and online at


b.       Principles of Materials Selection

Selectors must exercise professional judgment, experience with subjects and materials, and knowledge of the community served in order to make non-biased selections that meet the collection objectives of the library.  They also have a professional responsibility to be inclusive, not exclusive, in selecting materials.  All recommendations and donated materials, print and non-print, are reviewed using the same criteria.  Criteria considered in adding materials include, but are not limited to:


·                 Collection Management Policy

·                 Existing subject coverage

·                 Public interest; patron requests (e.g. WCCLS “Sizzlers”)

·                 Publication date, usually within a current two-year period

·                 Price and budget constraints

·                 Timeliness of topic and/or contemporary significance

·                 Accuracy and objectivity

·                 Community relevance

·                 Current or historical significance of author

·                 Permanent value as source material or interpretations

·                 Widespread popularity of an author or series

·                 Diversity of viewpoint

·                 Creativity, imagination, reading enjoyment, and popularity

·                 Suitability of physical form, technical quality of production, and durability


c.       Specific Criteria

When possible, hardcover books with good bindings will be purchased.  When hardcover is not available, trade paperback editions are purchased.  When no other editions are available, mass-market paperbacks may be purchased.  Some Easy Reader, Juvenile, and Young Adult titles will be purchased in paperback.  The library does not actively collect materials published by vanity presses or on-demand publishers.


Individual items, which in and of themselves may be controversial or offensive to some people, may be selected if their inclusion will contribute to the range of viewpoints in the collection as a whole and the effectiveness of the library’s ability to serve its community.


Unabridged works are preferred in all categories, though abridged versions of classics may be acquired to inspire readership.  In addition, Graphic Novels are included in the collection to encourage and support the growing interest in this area.


Specialized materials of limited community interest will not ordinarily be purchased.  Referral to other library collections and interlibrary loan will be used to supply patrons with these materials.


Multiple copies of the same title are not routinely purchased.  Gift copies that duplicate popular items already in the collection are welcome, within two years of publication date.


Supplementary materials for students and information for specialists are provided in a limited number of fields, as WCCLS libraries avoid unnecessary duplication in subject areas which are the special prerogative of other community resources.  Textbooks are purchased only when the information also serves the general public or is unavailable in other form.


Formats the library does not purchase or accept as donations for the collection at this time include mass market paperback books, oversized coffee-table books, audio cassettes, VHS movies, or music CDs.


d.       Replacement and Maintenance

The library keeps the collections vital and useful by retaining or replacing essential material and by removing on a systematic and continuous basis those works which are worn, outdated, of little historical significance, or no longer in demand.


Items will not automatically be replaced because of loss or damage.  Replacement decisions will be based upon demand for title, number of other copies available in the WCCLS system, existing coverage of the subject/genre in the collection, and availability of newer (more appropriate, more accurate, or better presented) materials on the subject.


Removal of damaged, lost, or not returned items is continuous.  In order to maintain active, up-to-date, useful collections, selectors will periodically examine materials in terms of relevance to user needs and selection criteria.  Other factors to be considered will include circulation performance, currency, scope and depth of coverage, popularity, and available shelving space.  Items no longer useful to the collection will be weeded and disposed of according to the North Plains Library Board policy on Declaration of Surplus Books and Similar Materials.


e.       Access

Processing and shelving materials shall in no way reflect a value judgment of the materials.  There will be no labeling of any item to indicate its point of view or bias.  All materials shall be shelved in their proper order on open shelves, freely and easily accessible to the public, except for irreplaceable or frequently stolen materials which may be specially shelved to protect them from theft or damage.


Because reading, listening, and viewing are individual, private matters, the North Plains Public Library assures full, confidential, and unrestricted access to information and materials for all patrons.  Individual or group prejudice about a particular item or type of material or resource may not preclude its use by others.  While patrons are free to select or reject materials for themselves or their own minor children, the freedom of others to read or inquire or view will not be restricted.  Children are not limited to the children's or young adult collections.  The library does not stand in loco parentis.  (See the Information for Parents/Guardians policy.)


2.       Scope of Selection

a.       For Adults

The Adult Fiction book collection provides for the wide range of interests of the general reading public, including classics in the field and those meeting the popular demand for recreational reading.  Materials will not be eliminated because of coarse language or violence or frank discussion of sexual episodes, any one of which may be objectionable to some people.


The Adult Non-Fiction book collection includes materials in all major Dewey Decimal Classification subject categories:


000     Computer science, encyclopedias and books of facts

100     Philosophy and psychology

200     Religion.       The library strives to maintain a well-balanced collection representing the major religions and their sacred scriptures including material which introduces and explains the basic concepts and practices of the various religions and beliefs.  The library does not add materials of a strictly proselytizing nature.  The collection encompasses popular studies on new ideas and movements which are taking place in religion today.

300     Social sciences:  political science, economics, law, public administration, social services, education, commerce, communications, transport, customs, etiquette, and folklore.  The library purchases standard and popular materials which deal with particular types of law, such as real estate, taxes, marriage, and divorce for the lay reader.

400     Language

500     Science:  mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry, earth science, paleontology, physiology, genetics, ecology, botany, and zoology

600     Technology:  medicine, engineering, agriculture, food, crafts, child rearing, manufacturing, and building.  The library generally purchases standard and popular materials in health, nutrition, hygiene, disease and medicine that are primarily of interest to persons outside the medical profession.  More in-depth and technical materials are available through referral to other library collections and interlibrary loan.  Authoritative, scientific, and popular materials about sex are provided for the general reader at various ages and reading levels.

700     Arts:  landscape design, architecture, sculpture, drawing, painting, interior decoration, printing, photography, music, sports, and recreation

800     Literature

900     Travel, history, geography, biography


Many of the books in large print format are on loan from WCCLS; the library does not generally purchase in this area.


          b.       For Children and Teens

The Juvenile and Young Adult Fiction and Non-Fiction collections provide for a wide range of interests on subjects of interest to and within the comprehension of children from preschool through young adult and within many of the same Dewey Decimal Classification subject areas as listed above.  Some titles may be purchased to support heavy classroom use, however, the library cannot replace the classrooms' or media centers' responsibility to support their own curriculum.


c.       Non-Book Materials

The library will collect and make available materials for all ages in the following special formats: periodicals, newspapers, e-books, and DVDs.  New formats will be added to the circulating collections as reading or viewing equipment becomes widely available in our community and quality materials are available at reasonable prices.


Many of the audio books for adults, teens, and children are on loan from WCCLS, as the library does not actively purchase in this area.


The library acquires, makes available, and encourages the use of movies to serve the general informational, educational, and recreational needs of both adults and juveniles.  The collections strive to be popular in nature, and do not contain specialized material for the exclusive use of one particular group.  The collections may include materials for school or college curriculum use when the information also serves the general public.  Feature films will be purchased to satisfy the public's need for recreational materials and to serve differing tastes and interests.  Classics, popular titles, award winners, as well as other broad-based genres will be included.  The video collections are designed for the individual viewer and no films will be eliminated because of coarse language, violence, sexual episodes, or an R rating, any one of which may be objectionable to some people.  It is the library's responsibility to protect the rights of mature viewers.

The library provides a portal to the world of online information via access to the Internet.  Many valuable local, national and international sources of information are available online.  However, it is important that users realize the Internet is a global entity with a highly diverse user population and information content, and that not all sources on the Internet provide accurate, complete or current information.  It is up to the user to evaluate the validity of information found.  It is also important to note that the library cannot censor access to materials or protect users from materials they may find offensive.  However, library staff will guide users to quality information on the Internet, will provide advice in effective search techniques, and through WCCLS, will provide access to authoritative databases.


d.       Non-English Languages

To meet the needs of students, teachers, and a moderate Spanish speaking population in the immediate area, the library strives to maintain a collection of Spanish language picture books and juvenile literature.  Selection of these items is based on availability, popular demand, quality of the publication, and price.  Other items are readily available for borrowing from other WCCLS libraries.


3.       Request for Reconsideration of Materials

Any objection to the presence or absence of library material will be given a fair hearing.  All complaints will be referred to the Library Director who may discuss the matter with the complainant.


The complainant will be supplied with this Collection Management Policy, including the "Request for Reconsideration of Materials" form.  If the request is for a withdrawal of material, the Library Director will examine the item in question, consult reviews, and determine whether it conforms to these policies.  If it is a request for the addition of an item not previously selected, the Library Director will consider the addition and inform the complainant of the reasons for the decision.  The North Plains Library Board will also be notified of the request and of the decision.


Materials subject to a request for withdrawal shall not be removed pending final action.  If the complainant wishes to appeal the decision of the Library Director, he/she must present the complaint in writing to the North Plains Library Board for final review.  In addition, the complainant may attend a Library Board meeting and participate in the Public Comments section of the agenda.  The Library Board will consider the complaint and the staff recommendation and will make the final decision on the appeal.  Each "Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials" will be limited to one challenge per title every five years.



Request for Reconsideration of Materials

(This form must be filled out completely.)


Title __________________________________________________________________


Author ________________________________________________________________


Publisher _________________________________ Date ________________________


In which format is this title?  Book, Magazine, Other ____________________________

(In the text below, "book" is used to refer to any of the various formats.)


Request from (Name) ____________________________________________________


Address _______________________________________________________________


City ____________________ State ___ Zip ________ Phone(s) __________________


If you are representing an organization, what is the organization’s name and address?




The entire book should be read before completing this form.  Did you do so? _________


If not, what parts/pages did you read? _______________________________________


To what in the book do you object?  (Please attach comments if necessary.)




Are you aware of reviews of this book? ______________________________________


How do you believe this violates the library's Collection Management Policy?




Do you have suggestions for additions to the collection that would complement or balance this title?




What would you like the library to do about this book?










Drafted 08/27/2014

Revised by Library Staff 11/06/2014

Approved by Library Board 12/10/2014, 07/15/2015, 08/17/2016



North Plains Library staff may determine that certain materials in the collection are unused, underused, worn, or unacceptable for mending or rebinding.  These items are determined to be surplus and available for disposal.



The City of North Plains owns all books and similar materials which have been bought or donated and incorporated into collections at the Library.  Because of space limitations, the collections are weeded regularly.  Surplus items may be disposed of in a number of ways.


Books and similar materials which are donated to the Library for potential use in the collections are the property of the City of North Plains until Library staff determines whether they are acceptable additions.  If not used in the collections, these materials will be treated in the same manner as outlined herein.



Books and similar materials withdrawn from the library will be:

a.       Sold to the public by the Friends of the North Plains Public Library (FNPPL) with proceeds going to the FNPPL, or

b.       Sold at a city auction with proceeds going to the library budget, or

c.       Sold to a salvage business with proceeds going to the library budget, or

d.       Given away to a municipality, government, or non-profit organization for use in collections or for sale (e.g. other Friends groups, schools, the Washington County Jail Library, Goodwill, etc.), or

e.       Disposed of by recycling or taking to the landfill.







Drafted 08/27/2014

Revised by Library Staff 11/06/2014, 08/04/2016

Approved by Library Board 12/10/2014, 07/15/2015, 08/17/2016



The North Plains Public Library encourages and accepts donations of library materials with the understanding that such materials will be added to the collections only if they meet the same selection criteria that the library uses when purchasing materials.  Refer to Policy L. Collection Management.


Materials donated as bequests and memorials are encouraged.  Donors should consult the Library Director before purchasing items to ensure they are not already in the collections and to be approved as appropriate for the North Plains Public Library.  Memorials will be marked with a bookplate and notice sent to family members.


Donated materials that do not fit within the selection criteria for use in the Library’s collections may be accepted by the Friends of the North Plains Public Library for its online sales program or for its physical sales.


Monetary donations, bequests, and memorials are encouraged through the Friends of the North Plains Public Library, a private, non-profit 501C3 entity.  Donors should consult the Library Director for further information.



Donations are considered outright and unrestricted, to be used in the best interest of the North Plains Public Library.


Neither North Plains Public Library staff nor Friends of the Library members can appraise donations for tax purposes.  For the protection of the donor, it is recommended that such appraisals be done by a qualified disinterested party before bringing donations to the library.  Receipts for donations are available.


The North Plains Public Library is not to be interpreted as a depository for records, in any format, owned or loaned by agencies, organizations, or individuals, either on a temporary or permanent basis.



Donations accepted by the Library include items in the following categories:

·       hardback non-fiction books published within the past year

·       hardback fiction books published within the past year

·       hardback children's books published within the past year

·       movies on DVD published within the past year.

(All discs must be present and housed in a plastic jewel case with original cover.)

Donations accepted by the Friends of the North Plains Public Library, which should be taken directly to the Friends Online Book Sale (FOBS) house at 31311 NW Commercial Street in North Plains, include items in the following categories:

·       hardback non-fiction books

·       hardback fiction books

·       hardback children's books

·       movies on DVD

(All discs must be present and housed in a plastic jewel case with original cover.)

·       books on CD

·       trade paperback books published within the past year

·       mass market paperback books

·       audio books on tape 

·       craft patterns or books (All pieces must be intact.)

·       textbooks

·       collectable maps

·       older, collectable books

·       selected magazines (professional journals)

·       vinyl record albums of any age, undamaged

·       trade, automotive, or how-to manuals.


Donations not accepted by either the Library or the Friends include:

·       books with excessive highlighting or writing

·       oversized coffee table books

·       VHS movies

·       DVD movies reproduced by a third party (pirated/bootlegged)

·       DVD movies housed in a cardboard sleeve

·       DVD movies with bad quality audio or fuzzy visuals

·       items in poor condition, falling apart, musty, or mildewed

·       Reader’s Digest Condensed Books.







Drafted 01/17/2015

Revised by Staff 02/05/2015

Approved by Library Board 02/18/2015, 07/15/2015, 08/17/2016



The North Plains Public Library is an educational and cultural community center.  To fulfill this role, programs will be planned to meet the interests and needs of the community.  Programs will also help to enhance and extend the library collections, and to highlight library materials and services.



The Library presents programs that offer information, education, and recreation to the residents in our service area.  Programs represent the wide range of ideas and views contained in the materials collection and represent the library's philosophy of free access to information.  Programs provide outreach to the community and this in turn allows the library to forge partnerships with a wide variety of groups and individuals and to attract both existing and new users.



Library-sponsored programs will be free and open to the public.  These programs will often be presented in cooperation with other agencies and institutions as well as other public and private resources such as the Friends of the North Plains Public Library.


The Library reserves the right to set age limits for some programs.  For planning reasons, registration may be required for some events.  The Library reserves the right to limit the attendance at events due to wishes of the presenter or space considerations.  The Library reserves the right to cancel a program.


Individuals or organizations presenting a program may have products or services to sell, such as authors who come to speak about books they have authored, performers who have recordings or items related to their performance available for sale, and artists who have artwork to sell.  Books, recordings, art and other items related to the presentation may be sold before or after the presentation.







Drafted 11/22/2014

Revised by Staff 12/04/2014

Approved by Library Board 12/10/2014, 07/15/2015, 08/17/2016



The North Plains Public Library will display posters of community announcements and notices of public agency meetings.  The Library will also perform the function of distribution center for free printed materials.  Posters, notices, and materials for distribution must focus on forthcoming regional events of cultural, educational, recreational, civic, and social service interest.


Activities posted or materials distributed will be limited to those of 501C3 organizations, government agencies, and public news sources.



Space for posting announcements and distribution of materials is provided as a public service.  Priority is given to library programs, library-sponsored events, and materials most frequently utilized by the public.



Posters, notices, and material for distribution must first be submitted to library staff.  Posting, distributing, and removing items will only be done by library staff or designated volunteers.  Permanent display of posters, notices, and materials for distribution is not possible due to limited availability of space.


The posting of an announcement or distribution of printed materials does not indicate library or city endorsement, approval, or responsibility for content or activity listed therein.  In all instances, the North Plains Public Library reserves the right to refuse to post or refuse to distribute any announcement or publication.


Display of activities and events and interpretation of these policies will be made at the discretion of the Library Director.  Variances must be taken to the North Plains Library Board.







Drafted 02/14/2015

Revised by Staff 03/05/2015

Approved by Library Board 03/18/2015, 07/15/2015, 08/17/2016



Artwork and exhibits shall be presented with the intent to inform the public of the wide range of interests and talents within the community and shall be informational, educational, cultural, or historical.



Public libraries have traditionally encouraged and presented opportunities for free expression and access to ideas by providing various subjects through various formats.



Displays/exhibits will be previewed by Library Board members and scheduled through library staff.  Interested artists are asked to submit photographs via email to the Library Director of the pieces they would like to display.  The photographs will be disseminated to Library Board members who will make the determination about whether the submitted artwork is acceptable.


Artwork and exhibits are not permanent and typically will be on display for one or two months.  Allowing use of space for artwork and exhibits does not constitute library or city endorsement of the organization’s or individual’s beliefs.  Coordination of exhibits shall be through the Library Board and/or library staff.  It is permissible for the artist/owner to advertise the price of items for sale, though sale transactions shall take place between seller and buyer after the exhibit is finished.


Wall space in the Program Room is available for artwork and exhibits that can be hung.  At this time, only two-dimensional pieces can be accepted for display.  There are no cases available for display of three-dimensional items, and it is not permitted to use shelving for such displays.


Artwork and exhibits may be considered for presentation based on the following criteria:

·                 Relevance to the community

·                 Of interest to a general audience or to youth

·                 Historical relevance

·                 Originality of content or approach

·                 Relationship to library collections


Artwork and exhibits are excluded from presentation based on the following criteria:

·                 Available space

·                 Campaign materials of a partisan nature

·                 Advertising designed for individual or commercial profit or gain

·                 Displays that exceed the dimensions of the available wall space

·                 Inappropriate for young audiences

·                 Violation of any library regulation or applicable law


The following is an outline of information for preparing art for exhibition at the North Plains Public Library.  Artists should visit the computer lab where artwork is displayed to become acquainted with the hanging system BEFORE arriving to put up their art.  Insufficient preparation may result in a delay in exhibition and/or charges for supplies necessary for the artwork to conform to the hanging system.

·                 All artwork must be framed.  The hanging system consists of adjustable wires on a track.  At the end of each wire is a hook that fits under the lip of the picture frame or attaches to a hanging wire.  Frames must provide a large enough lip for the hook and/or a hanging wire.  No adhesives of any kind are to be used on the walls so the artwork MUST fit the system.

·                 All paperwork must be completed before the artwork is hung.  This includes the signed contract and artwork list for insurance purposes.

·                 Starting and ending dates of the display shall be agreed upon before installation.

·                 The display shall be installed and uninstalled during hours when the library is closed to the public.

·                 The organization or artist or source of the display must be identified with the display and in all publicity.

·                 Labels must be printed in advance and state the title of the piece, dimensions, and price (or NFS).  Additional information is optional.  The labels must not exceed six inches square and should obscure as little of the display as possible.

·                 An About the Artist page and supplemental photograph are required.  These will be used for display in the computer lab and for our website and newsletter.


Because this is a working library, preserving the function of the computer lab is of the highest importance.  Artwork that is cumbersome or does not fit the outlined criteria will not be included in the exhibition.  Library staff are available to speak with prospective artists ahead of time and can often determine how to accommodate oversized pieces with multiple hooks and wires.


Request for Reconsideration of Exhibits or Displays

Any objection to the presence or absence of artwork will be given a fair hearing.  All complaints will be referred to the Library Director who may discuss the matter with the complainant and/or provide a copy of the Artwork and Exhibits in the Library Policy and Artwork Exhibition Instructions.  The complainant may also be supplied with the "Request for Reconsideration of Exhibits or Displays" form.


Artwork subject to a request for withdrawal shall not be removed until the reconsideration process is final.  The complainant must present the complaint in writing to the North Plains Library Board for review.  In addition, the complainant may attend a Library Board meeting and participate in the Public Comments section of the agenda.  The Library Board will consider the complaint and will make the final decision on the appeal.



Request for Reconsideration of Exhibits or Displays

(This form must be filled out completely.)


Title __________________________________________________________________


Artist _________________________________________________________________


Request from (Name) ____________________________________________________


Address _______________________________________________________________


City _____________________ State ___ Zip _____ Phone(s) ____________________


If you are representing an organization, what is the organization’s name and address?




To what in the artwork do you object?  (Please attach additional comments if necessary.)








How do you believe this violates the library's Exhibits and Displays in the Library Policy?








Do you have suggestions for additions to the display that would complement or balance this piece?




What would you like the library to do about this artwork?










Drafted 08/27/2014

Revised by Library Staff 09/04/2014

Approved by Library Board 10/21/2014, 07/15/2015, 08/17/2016



The library provides the following services in order to fulfill individual informational needs for day-to-day living as well as cultural, educational, and leisure pursuits:

·                 computers for public use (subject to Internet filtering)

·                 wireless access for personal devices such as laptops and tablets

·                 access to subscription databases

·                 a Nook and Kindles for checkout with pre-loaded e-books

·                 direct Internet access, which provides a broad range of other resources



The library strives to serve people of all ages at all levels of need and considers its endorsement of the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights and Freedom to Read documents to apply to the use of electronic information.  The North Plains Public Library also endorses ALA's Access to Digital Information, Services and Networks: An Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights.  This document can be found at:



Patrons should be aware that filtering software is far from perfect; it may allow some inappropriate content to pass through and may block appropriate sites.  The computers in the computer room are programmed to give the user the option of turning the filter off at the start of the session.  The youth computers near the children’s area of the library are filtered all the time, with no option to turn the filter off.


As with other materials in the library collection, the Internet is available to all library customers.  Patrons are expected to be considerate in their use of the Internet.  The general Rules of Conduct for Library Users also apply to patrons using computers.


Patrons must be at least eight years of age to use the computer stations since basic reading, writing, typing, and familiarity with computer machinery are necessary for appropriate use of the equipment.  Therefore, patrons under eight years of age are required to be directly supervised by a parent/guardian in order to use a computer.


Computer workstations are available on a first-come, first-served basis.  If someone is waiting to use a workstation, use is limited to 60 minutes.  If patrons have already been using the workstation for 60 minutes, they are expected to surrender use of the workstation immediately.  Internet patrons who must give up a workstation after the time limit may resume computer use when one becomes available again.  If no one is waiting to use a workstation, the patron may request to extend the usage time.

All patrons are asked to respect the privacy of other patrons and not attempt to view or read, censor or comment upon what others are viewing.  Computer workstations are in public areas, and privacy cannot be guaranteed, though privacy screens are in place on each computer to help protect confidential information such as health and financial data.  Patrons are responsible for which sites they select to visit, but should be aware that others may be involuntarily exposed to what is displayed.


By mutual agreement, two or more persons may share one access session as long as their behavior and conversation do not disturb other patrons or library staff and they do not physically block or impede access within the library.


Printing costs are applied whether the patron brings paper or uses library paper.  Printing is not available for laptops.


Patrons may save documents or personal files to a removable storage device.  The computers do not allow patrons to permanently save to the hard drive.  The library is not responsible for loss of data that may occur when saving documents.  Documents are not saved automatically when a computer station times out.


Patrons may not engage in any activity that is illegal, unethical, libelous, or slanderous.  Viewing sexually explicit sites is not permitted.


Patrons must abide by copyright laws and licensing agreements.


Patrons may not distribute unsolicited advertising via the Internet.


Patrons must employ listening devices such as earbuds or headphones to hear computer sounds.


The library reserves the right to block any sites or activities that degrade computer network performance.


Patrons may not eat or drink while using the Library’s computers/electronic devices or while in the computer room.  Patrons may not eat in the main library area.  (Lidded drinks are allowed while patrons are seated at tables in the main library.)


The library does not guarantee that Internet service will be uninterrupted or error-free.  Patrons should be aware that not all sources on the Internet provide accurate, complete, or current information.  The North Plains Public Library is responsible only for the content of its own library website and related social media sites.  The library does not monitor and has no control over the information available on the Internet and cannot be held responsible for the content, accuracy, or quality of the information retrieved or images viewed.







Drafted 08/27/2014

Revised by Library Staff 09/04/2014

Approved by Library Board 10/21/2014, 07/15/2015, 08/17/2016



A projector is available for checkout to individual members of non-profit organizations located within the North Plains Public Library’s local service area.



Local non-profit organizations such as the North Plains Community Garden Club and the North Plains Historical Society have occasionally requested use of a projector for presentations at meetings held in private homes or in the grange hall.



The projector may be borrowed for use outside the library when it is not being used for library or city purposes.  It may be checked out to the non-profit organization by a member, aged 18 or older, whose library card is in good standing.  The projector may be reserved up to one month in advance of checkout.  Equipment must be picked up and returned during the library’s regular hours of operation.  The library projector must be checked out and checked in by a staff member who will verify that the equipment is in working order and that all pieces on the checklist are present before the borrower leaves the desk.  All items must stay together within the case for checkout and checkin.


Detailed instructions for the use of the projector are located within the equipment case.  When using the projector, the equipment must be set up and powered down exactly per the instructions provided.  Failure to do so properly can result in damage to the bulb.  Before checking out the projector for the first time, the organization representative must arrange to meet with appropriate library staff to learn how to properly and safely use the equipment.


Do not touch the projector around the lamp or vents during or immediately after use because this could result in a burn.  Neither the North Plains Public Library nor the City of North Plains is liable for any injury that may result while using this equipment.


Users accept full financial responsibility for damage or loss by signing the projector usage agreement.  Replacement costs:

Case                                $  55             Remote control                 $  40

Projector                           $360             Projector bulb                   $200

Power cord                       $  20             Instruction sheet               $    5

VGA connector cable         $  35


The library projector may not be utilized by individuals for personal use.  It may not be utilized for showing copyrighted movies without a public performance license.






I agree to assume full responsibility for the North Plains Public Library’s projector and peripherals during the time that they are checked out to me.  I will return the equipment to the desk where I checked it out and understand that if I do not, I will be charged a late fee of $5 for every hour it is overdue.  I will not leave the projector unattended at any time, and I will protect it from damage.  I will pay full repair and/or replacement costs in the case of damage, theft, or loss.


My signature below acknowledges that I have read and agree to the terms above.


Signature of Borrower: __________________________________________________


Name of Borrower (printed):


LAST________________________________ FIRST ___________________________


Borrower’s Library Card Number:  23614___________________________________


Date of equipment checkout  ________________________ Time  _______________


Date equipment is to be returned  ____________________ Time  _______________


Equipment OUT (Staff Initials _____)               Equipment IN (Staff Initials _____)

c       Case                                                    c       Case

c       Projector                                               c       Projector

c       Power cord                                           c       Power cord

c       VGA connector cable                             c       VGA connector cable

c       Remote control                                     c       Remote control

c       Projector bulb                                       c       Projector bulb

c       Instruction sheet                                   c       Instruction sheet


A copy of this agreement will be provided to the borrower upon checkout.







Drafted 01/17/2015

Revised by Staff 02/05/2015, 08/04/2016

Approved by Library Board 02/18/2015, 07/15/2015, 08/17/2016



The North Plains Public Library Meeting Room is used for Library-sponsored meetings, events, and programs.  It is also available for use by civic or non-profit groups before or after hours.



As a department of the City of North Plains, the Library is operated by the municipality, and the policies, rules, and regulations of the City shall apply.



Because the Meeting Room is also where the public access computers are located, during operating hours of the Library, the room will be exclusively reserved for use by Library staff, volunteers, and patrons.


Security of the building, and materials and equipment within it must be maintained.  Therefore, a Library staff person or designated representative (e.g. officer of the Friends of the Library) must be present while meetings are conducted before or after hours.


During non-operating hours of the Library, when the Meeting Room may be reserved for use by outside groups, the City fee schedule shall apply.  The Friends of the Library shall be exempt from fees for use of the facility.


Meeting Room capacity per the Fire Marshall is 29 people.






Drafted 08/27/2014

Revised by Library Staff 01/08/2015, 08/04/2016

Approved by Library Board 01/21/2015, 07/15/2015, 08/17/2016



The North Plains Public Library adopts the following American Library Association (ALA) policies:


Code of Ethics 


Library Bill Of Rights


Policy on Confidentiality of Library Records


Freedom to Read Statement


Freedom to View Statement


Access to Library Resources and Services for Minors


Access to Digital Information, Services, and Networks




The American Library Association Policy Manual includes statements of policies adopted by the ALA Council.  Oregon public libraries are advised to adopt certain ALA policies as stated in the Oregon Library Association, Public Library Division, Standards for Oregon Public Libraries (approved 2014 revision).



The North Plains Public Library endorses and follows the above-listed American Library Association (ALA) policies.







Drafted 08/13/2014

Reviewed by Library Staff 01/08/2015, 08/04/2016

Approved by Library Board 01/21/2015, 07/15/2015, 08/17/2016



As a condition of employment or service given, North Plains Public Library employees and volunteers are subject to the rules and regulations outlined in the City’s Employee Handbook and the Occupational Safety and Health Manual.



The City of North Plains is an organization that values its employees.  These two public documents are provided as guides to employment provisions and expectations, but they are not intended to limit the discretion of the City in managing and supervising employees.



As new employees begin their service to the community, they are required to read these documents.  If there are questions or concerns, employees are instructed to contact their Supervisor, their Department Head, or the City Manager for clarification.  These documents are subject to revision as the City’s policies evolve. Employees will be notified of changes as they occur.  Hard copies of the Handbook and Manual are available in the library office, and electronic copies are available on the City’s website.







Drafted 08/13/2014

Reviewed by Library Staff 04/02/2015

Approved by Library Board 04/15/2015



The North Plains Public Library follows the rules, regulations, and procedures established by the City of North Plains Finance Department for the establishment of an annual budget, for the purchase of goods and services (accounts payable), for the receipt of revenues (accounts receivable), for payroll activities, and for all other financial matters.


The City of North Plains is committed to responsible financial management through financial integrity, prudent stewardship of public assets, planning, accountability, and full disclosure.  (Page 75, City of North Plains FY2014-15 Adopted Budget)



The library adheres to city finance protocols to ensure fiscal accountability, to delineate responsibility and authority, to appropriately use funds in support of the library's mission and goals, and to be in compliance with appropriate laws, ordinances, and city policies.



The fiscal year will be the first day of July to the last day of June.  Cash handling, deposits, staff use of library credit cards, receipt of payments for overdue or lost materials by cash, check, or credit card, submittal of bills for payment, and review of the monthly trial balance will be conducted in the manner outlined by the Finance Director and in cooperation with city staff.  The entire City Finance Policy is found online within the City of North Plains FY2014-15 Adopted Budget, pages 74-102.