• Volunteers needed for the Friends of the North Plains Public Library
  • We sell used books on amazon.com
  • We sell on Ebay
  • Dontate your gently used books.



The Friends of the North Plains Public Library (Friends) group is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that coordinates fundraising events and activities to benefit the library. The group patterns itself after the national organization joining hundreds of groups in support of libraries around the country.

The Friends are governed by a Board of Directors. The Board of Directors meets regularly at the North Plains Public Library to plan events and fundraising activities. Members and non-members alike are invited to attend membership meetings to learn more about the Friends.

Joining the Friends is a great way to build connections with other community members who value the library and the quality it adds to North Plains. We always look for new members, and applications can be submitted online.

Interested in volunteering with us? Please get in touch with us here or by email at friendsnppl@gmail.com. Membership dues are waived for volunteers.

Want to contribute but unable to volunteer? Consider donating to the Friends.

Friends Meeting Dates